
Which waterfall/ where was this? Do you know?
I guess it might be at Queimadas, was it?


Yes, it was exactly Caldeirão Verde (waterfall), I wanted to see Caldeirão do Inferno, but I couldn't get there because the path was closed. I need to upload a photo of this waterfall. :)


Thank you for the feedback! 🙏
It looks lovely with the colorful petals. 👍
I was there in wintertime 2009 and walked the Caldeirão verde. Inferno was closed at that time already too. We walked a bit further, but weren’t able to find the right way. OpenStreetMaps data wasn’t exact enough.
But the Levada Caldeirão verde is not as harmless also. I heard someone was hit by falling rocks and died because of that. 😱
So I will be really attentive when walking it again. (But I will!)

PS: That was the waterfall December 2009


@ako74 @arkadiusz you can try Mapy.cz next time, it’s very accurate and covers most of the paths (works offline too). I use it all the time for hiking and driving when I’m on Madeira. I wouldn’t recommend going to Inferno when it closed though, it’s usually for good reasons.